Imagine Turning Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly Income
This has to do with the subject of money, which probably grabs more headlines than anything else in the world, and it’s been grabbing headlines since the Romans chiseled their headlines on stone tablets. Money has proven a conundrum, a dilemma, a stomper and a crusher in millions of people’s lives.
It is an enigma and a puzzle, and it has the ability to suck the air right out of the room, to suck the air right out of your soul. When you have to think about money a lot in your life, it’s usually not because you’ve just won the lottery and you’re trying to figure out who to send a bunch of money to.
With this video course, you’re going to immediately start changing the perception that might have had you falling for the lie that money has some kind of power or control over your life. Believe it or not, money is not the deciding governor on how you’re allowed to live!
Wherever you fall on the money richter scale today, you can go higher. In fact, you have every ability to sail off the Richter scale completely because you’re going to come to understand that YOU have ALL the power. And money … it’s just a game. Money is just a mind game.