Get Ready for Today's Game-Changer!

Each Thursday, for the next THREE Thursdays, you’ve been given VIP access to Diane Armitage’s fun, insightful, life-trajectory changing LIVE class – “Di’s Pop Up Coaching Booth.”

It’s one hour –  9 am PT/12 (noon) ET – of absolute transformation and it’s absolutely free.  

Show up a few minutes early for great music and community and bring those questions on! See you there … 

P.S. Can’t make it to the live session? Send your question to before the class begins. Even if you can’t make it to one or more of these three sessions, the replay is always available to registrants. 

Download today's follow-along worksheet here …

Di’s Pop Up Coaching Booth moves so quickly that we came up with this worksheet to help you notate meaningful moments and even categorize them for your quick “seek and find” in the replay. (Cool, huh?)

Your Coaching Booth Host Diane Armitage

30 years ago, I decided to create my life on my terms (Having Bob proctor hire me as his 27-year co-writer certainly. helped in that transformation.)

I came from a place of struggle – especially financial bummerhood – to a world that proved even better than my dreams. Now I devote my days to helping other people escape from their own financial bummerhood and get busy living the life and acting on the dreams they have a passion for.

Choose for yourself. Be bold! The day you step out for your better life, you only have to take that first step. I’m right here to help you with the rest